Thursday, August 27, 2009

RJA# 2C: Delicious Account

RJA# 2B: Research Topic

1) The genetic manipulation of human beings and its ethical and practical applications or consequences. I chose this topic because it was briefly discussed in two of my classes last semester. My ethics teacher considered the application of ethical theories to this dilemma and whether such innovations contradict morals, whereas my psychology professor emphasized the practical use and beneficial aspects of such science. I would like to further investigate this issue and develop an informed position on whether it would be good for humanity or not based on both sides of the argument.
2) I already know that genetic manipulation is being used in laboratories to research cures to diseases, etc. Also, scientists have been able to isolate particular genomes that are attributed to hair color, eye color, resistance to disease, etc. and are manipulating the genes in an effort to find a way to engineer stronger, 'better' people. This science goes against many ideals of some ethical theories and although it may have benevolent applications, it may also have malignant consequences.
3) I don't know the particular ways that genetics are being manipulated, and it would be interesting to find out what protocols or guidelines the scientists follow while experimenting with human DNA. I'd also like to find out more about the facts that support the legitimacy of genetic manipulation because my previous knowledge is more focused on the criticisms. The particular science and methods used in genetic experiments would be an interesting piece of information to investigate because it sounds like an extremely complex and technical process.

RJA# 2A: Possible Topics

1)Human Genetic Manipulation: Engineering people-Ethical and practical dilemma
2)Native American Land Claims-Free Money or Deserved Compensation
3)Solar Power integration in Colorado
4)Modern Mining-is any mining modern enough to continue?

Topic I chose- #1

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Research Journal #1 Areas of Academic Interest

Areas of Interest:

-Genetic Manipulation

-Native Americans in American History

-Statistical Anomalies in Sports

-Environmentally Friendly Energy Sources

-Capital in Third World Countries

-Psychology: Nature vs. Nurture


-Ethics and Ethical Theories

-Nutrition and Health


-Modern Mining?