Thursday, September 24, 2009

RJA #6c: Protopage

RJA #6b: Search Strings

Search engine math-"+genetic+manipulation+(applications OR uses)+ (testing OR research)-"stem cells"-"+possible+uses+human+genetic+(manipulation OR engineering)+consequences+"genetic disease"-"stem cells"

Boolean-Possible OR potential uses OR applications AND genetic OR DNA AND manipulation OR engineering AND testing OR research OR exploring AND consequences OR outcomes-Potential OR possible NEAR use* OR application* AND genetic OR DNA NEAR manipulation OR engineering AND research AND consequences.

RJA #6a: Periodical Articles

--Google scholar
keywords: human, genetic, engineering, manipulation, genome
hits- 100,000
relevance- 3 out of 5

-Playing God? Human Genetic Engineering and the Rationalization of Public Bioethical Debate
Vol. 289 No. 10, March 12, 2003
by John H. Evans
page 304

-Antibody engineering via genetic engineering of the mouse: XenoMouse strains are a vehicle for the facile generation of therapeutic human monoclonal antibodies
Copyright © 1999 Elsevier Science
by Larry L. Green

-Public Concerns in the United Kingdom about General and
Specific Applications of Genetic Engineering: Risk, Benefit,
and Ethics
Lynn J. Frewer, Chaya Howard and Richard Shepherd
Science Technology Human Values 1997; 22; 98

-Human gene therapy
WF Anderson
Science, Vol 256, Issue 5058, 808-813Copyright © 1992 by American Association for the Advancement of Science

-Gene Therapy Fulfilling Its Promise
Donald B. Kohn, M.D., and Fabio Candotti, M.D.
Volume 360:518-521 January 29, 2009 Number 5

-Human Genetic Enhancements: A Transhumanist Perspective
Springer Netherlands
Volume 37, Number 4 / December, 2003
Pages 493-506
Friday, August 11, 2006

--Directory of open access journals
keywords: genetic, engineering, human, genome, DNA
relevance-3.5 out of 5

-Minichromosomes: The second generation genetic engineering tool
Aakash Goyal ; Pankaj Kumar Bhowmik, Lethbridge Research Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB Canada T1J 4B1 ; Saikat Kumar Basu
2009 vol 2 issue 1 pg 1-8

-Current ethical problems in cell biology
Josef Berger
Faculty of Social and Health Studies, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Received 10th July 2005.
Published online 2nd September 2005
Journal of applied biomedicine
volume 3, pg. 109–113

writing ideas- human genetic engineering could cause the development of new, extremely effective new biological weapons

Thursday, September 17, 2009

RJA #5c: Checking Search Strings

RJA #5b: Finding Books

Auraria library search
keywords: human genetic engineering
basic search on the auraria library site, 9/17, 100+ hits, 3 out of 5 relevance-less relevant further down the list.
Genetic engineering
David M Haugen; Susan Musser
Detroit : Greenhaven Press, ©2009

Remaking Eden : cloning and beyond in a brave new world
Lee M Silver
New York : Avon Books, ©1997.
1st edition

Engineering the human germline : an exploration of the science and ethics of altering the genes we pass to our children
Gregory Stock; John H Campbell
New York : Oxford University Press, 2000
1st edition

RJA #5a: Finding Reference Articles
keywords: genetic, manipulation, engineering, human, dna
advanced search with keywords used. searched 9/17, 3 hits, 4 out of 5 on relevance
I found some basic information on DNA, genetic engineering and the isolation of human genomes.

found another article on the same search engine that deals with public acceptance of genetic manipulation and certain applications of this technology
keywords: genetic, manipulation, engineering, human, dna, rna
searched articles-basic search, 9/17, 5 hits, 3 out of 5 on relevance
i found some more basic information on DNA, RNA and the isolation of human genomes, as well as opinions on 'playing God' from an ethical point of view
searched articles that highlighted the human genome project's research, 9/17, 8 hits, 4.5 out of 5 on relevance.
I found some really interesting information on developing research regarding human genetic engineering and the isolation of genomes

Thursday, September 10, 2009

RJA # 4c Checking Research Questions



RJA# 4b: Writing Search Strings

Search engine math
-"+genetic+manipulation+(applications OR uses)+ (testing OR research)-"stem cells"
-"+possible+uses+human+genetic+(manipulation OR engineering)+consequences+"genetic disease"-"stem cells"

-Possible OR potential uses OR applications AND genetic OR DNA AND manipulation OR engineering AND testing OR research OR exploring AND consequences OR outcomes
-Potential OR possible NEAR use* OR application* AND genetic OR DNA NEAR manipulation OR engineering AND research AND consequences.

RJA# 4A Generating Keywords

Research Question- Are the potential applications of human genetic manipulation worth exploring considering possible ethical and practical consequences?


Sunday, September 6, 2009


Research Question?

who does genetic manipulation affect?
how is genetic manipulation achieved?
what are the outcomes of manipulating genes to combat genetic disease?
where is this technology accepted? implemented? researched?
when will genetic manipulation be accepted throughout the world?
when will this technology be more efficient? applied to public society?
why is genetic manipulation being used on embryos?
who wants to use genetic manipulation? doesn't?
what are the applictions and potential resulting consequences of genetic manipulation in humans for curing genetic disease?


Genetic manipulation in human beings, as a topic, has a slew of possibly useful information for writing my paper. The only problem is that because genetic manipulation is such a huge array of different interconnected, scientific information, its hard to focus on an aspect or particular issue that is narrow enough. For my research to be efficient, I need to narrow my topic as soon as possible! I think that if I focused on the controversy between the genetic manipulation of humans for medical applications it would be easier to cover, but still there is a lot of information because of how immensly impactful this technology could be. To narrow the topic I used the focusing questions and found that i'm most interested in the uses that involve reproduction and genetic disease. This smaller division of information within the controversy as a whole should be sufficient to write a well-researched paper.


Genetic engineering @ wikipedia- direct manipulation unlike breeding, 5 step process, creation of living art forms (bioart), applications-mostly for vaccines thus far but promising for curing genetic disease. Has potential to alter human appearance, adaptability, intelligence, character, and behaviour. It can potentially be used in creating more dramatic changes. Explains the difference between different types of genetic manipulation from natural selection (occurs naturally) to selective breeding, to cloning. This site has some interesting technical information about how some of these processes are done and also highlights some of the controversy on the subject. Has more information on public acceptance or lack thereof, and gives a semi-detailed description of why there's such an impassioned and fearful dislike of such technologies. Also, this site has statistical data on where human gene therapy and other applications of genetic manipulation are being used around the world.