Thursday, September 17, 2009

RJA #5a: Finding Reference Articles
keywords: genetic, manipulation, engineering, human, dna
advanced search with keywords used. searched 9/17, 3 hits, 4 out of 5 on relevance
I found some basic information on DNA, genetic engineering and the isolation of human genomes.

found another article on the same search engine that deals with public acceptance of genetic manipulation and certain applications of this technology
keywords: genetic, manipulation, engineering, human, dna, rna
searched articles-basic search, 9/17, 5 hits, 3 out of 5 on relevance
i found some more basic information on DNA, RNA and the isolation of human genomes, as well as opinions on 'playing God' from an ethical point of view
searched articles that highlighted the human genome project's research, 9/17, 8 hits, 4.5 out of 5 on relevance.
I found some really interesting information on developing research regarding human genetic engineering and the isolation of genomes

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