Thursday, November 5, 2009

RJA #12a: Progress Report

For the purposes of writing my paper i've completed a lot. I'm already finished with the formal outline and planning for it, as well as the vast majority of the research that i'm going to need to complete the paper. I've already figured out what type of visuals i'm going to use in the paper itself, and i'm done with my field research (email interview). Also, I have already written the introduction to the paper, and although it may need some slight revisions, it's pretty good.

However, there's still some things I need to do to finish the paper. I need to finish siting my sources on a bibliography and select the specific diagrams that i'm going to use for my visuals. Also, I need to write the first draft of the body and the conclusion, but this should be relatively easy considering I have my outline. From there I just need to worry about annotating my bibliography and making sure that my paper is concise and well-written.
To finish the first draft, I plan taking time next week after I make my presentation. By the night of the 18th I will have completed the writing so that I can focus on finishing my bibliography then. Any futher research I will finish during the weekend after class on the 12th.

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