Thursday, November 5, 2009

RJA #12b: Presentation Plan

The types of human genetic manipulation:
a) description of how it's done.

-germ line
a) description of how it's done.

-differences between the two.

Applications of human genetic manipulation:
-treatments and therapies
a) List of different conditions that can be treated by human genetic manipulation
-Cystic Fibrosis
-Muscular Dystrophy

(1) non-pathogenic virus to insert missing or broken genomes into body cells which replicate and allow DNA to function normally and the condition is corrected or improved.
b) Example- Diabetes- allows DNA to spur more natural insulin production in the pancreas (focused treatment on pancreas cells, or can allow the body to use insulin more efficiently and metabolize glucose (blood treatment).

c) Better drugs can be produced based on effects on genetic samples (drugs that are more specialized and more efficient-some used in the U.K.)

-disease prevention
a) list of preventable diseases
-Achondoplasia (genetic cause of dwarfism)
-Bipolar disorder
-Down Syndrome
-Huntington's disease
-Sicle Cell Anemia
-color blindness

b) Example- germline modification will allow DNA to be 'mapped' and genome or chromosome anomolies that cause genetic disease can be treated before birth (therefore the child will be born without said condition.

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