Sunday, November 22, 2009

RJA #14: Annotated Bibliography, Part 2

-Baxamusa, Batul N. "Genetic Engineering in Humans." Ed. Sayali B. Patil. Buzzle, 23 Sept. 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.

This source was really useful in relating the background information for my topic. The author has a couple of bachelor's degrees in micro biology and genetics, so she obviously knows what she's talking about. The site that this is published on seems very credible too because it's a collaboration of various experts in different fields. The main points that I will use this source for is to illustrate how genetic manipulation is done.

-Bohlin, Ray G. "Human Genetic Engineering." Leadership U. Probe Ministries International, 5 Jan. 2009. Web. 2 Nov. 2009.

This source is very credible and important because the author has 3 different degrees in related fields, and because the author is part of a Christian organization his writing won't be biased towards approval of human genetic manipulation. His opinion will be helpful in shaping arguments and cross-arguments for objections.

-Brenner, Matt. "Human Cloning and Genetic Modification." Association of Reproductive Health Professionals Ed. Janet Riessman. Center for Genetics and Society, 15 Jan. 2009. Web. 16 Nov. 2009.

Again, this source is going to be useful in presenting background information, as well as for the argument i'm making in support of human genetic manipulation. The author seems very credible and knowledgeable concerning the topic, and doesn't appear to have any particular bias.

-Genome Management Information System. Human Genome Project Information. Ed. Holly L. Haun. U.S. Department of Energy, 30 July 2008. Web. 8 Nov. 2009.

This source is going to be very helpful because this site is controlled and operated by the Human Genome Project who do the majority of genetic research in the United States. The background information, as well as pro arguments for this technology will be in great number on this site, but it will be good for at least one side of my argument.

-Gruskin, Sofia, Michael A. Groden, and Stephen P. Marks. Perspectives on Health and Human Rights. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2005. 169-75. Print.

This book talks about the societal and ethical implications of human genetic manipulation. I used it in the formation of my arguments and cross-arguments in the paper, and some of the reasoning behind why i'm making the argument I am.

-Guttmacher, Alan E. National Human Genome Research Institute Ed. Francis S. Collins. National Institutes of Health, 1 June 2002. Web. 1 Nov. 2009.

This site is a division of the National Institutes of Health, so it's obviously really credible. This is where I got one of my figures for the paper, and some of the background and pro arguments for my paper.

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