Thursday, October 8, 2009

Internet Research Project

This engine is used to find deep-web information, and in that regard it's very useful. The directory for the site is extensive which is helpful as well, but the overall amount of information in the database isn't comparable to that of google, etc. The other interesting thing about this search tool is that it has an option to search for just larger sites that have searches within them. This would be effective for finding more credible resources possibly because a site is probably professional and legitimate if it has a database that can be searched.
Strengths of IncyWincy are that it can search deep-web information and that it tells you by percentage how relevant the results are to your search terms. Weaknesses are that it isn't that large of a database and that the advanced search tool isn't very in-depth or useful. IncyWincy searches "hundreds of thousands" of other search engines and directories apparently, but the amount of results I got when using it suggests otherwise. This engine accepts some search engine math and parentheses, but doesn't work with boolean search operators. The searches aren't case sensitive so if you accidentally type a capital letter instead of a lowercase-or vice versa, there won't be an effect on the results. Stop words don't work on this site, and the advanced search function isn't anything special. The advanced search gives you an option to search for 'exact phrase', 'all words' or 'any of these words' and allows you to limit the amount of results per page, as well as change the search language. The results are sorted according to relevance determined by IncyWincy's "unique search engine relevancy algorithm", and are displayed in a standard text listing format similar to other basic search engines. IncyWincy seems pretty straightforward and doesn't have a help function or any special features that I can see. Overall it seems like this engine could be very useful, but outside of its deep-web search capabilities it's nothing special.

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