Thursday, October 22, 2009

RJA #10a: Thesis Statement

Research Question-
Should human genetic manipulation and testing be legalized for medical purposes?
Precise Claim-
Human genetic manipulation and testing on humans should be legalized for medical purposes, but only for treatment of serious existing medical conditions.
1)Human genetic manipulation can alleviate existing conditions for people who suffer from genetic diseases such as spina bifita, autism, etc.
-less expensive therapy without potential side effects
2)This research can allow parents to prevent their child being born with preventable diseases but the distinction must be made between what is medically necessary and what isn't- therefore it would prevent manipulation from going too far-i.e. engineering people to be a specific way (physical attributes, mental capacity, etc.)
3)If we use genetic enginnering too extensively, then there will be societal drawbacks such as overpopulation.
Human genetic manipulation and testing should only be allowed for the purpose of treating malevolent medical conditions. This would set a clear guideline on how far the implementation of this technology could go which will prevent possible negative consequences such as engineering people for unnecessary purposes and overpopulation due to extended longevity, and it will allow this research to be utilized to help improve the lives of already-living people.


  1. Sounds like a good argument. You probably want to list your reasons in your thesis so the reader knows what is going to be presented in the paper.

  2. Good thesis statement! It's very descriptive and very well put!

  3. I like the thesis statement. The only thing that stands out is maybe explain or use a different word for "malevolent." If someone doesn't know what that means then they're lost for the rest of the statement.
