Thursday, October 1, 2009

RJA #7a: Internet Research Tools

When i'm doing research that isn't regulated quite as much as in this class I use google,, yahoo, AOL, and bing most frequently. These search engines are, frankly, the only ones I use when trying to find information on a topic. Each of them are better or worse for finding different types of information, but overall i'd have to say that I use google the most because of the convenience and because it has extremely vast coverage and completes large searches quickly (gets the most hits in the shortest time). The problem with google, at times, is that the results it finds sometimes lack relevance to what i'm actually searching for. Ask is sometimes very good for finding the answer to a more specific question, but it doesn't seem to pull the amount of information total that google can. Yahoo is a really good one for finding information related to the news or sports because they have a lot of news stories and such that they link to, as well as being a portal for free registered email. I use AOL on a regular basis simply because of convenience because I have an AOL email account, so sometimes i'm already on the site when I start looking so it's an alright place to begin. is a relatively new search engine that i've started using only recently because I saw commercials for it. The good thing about this search engine is that it finds very relevant hits and doesn't include the irrelevant items in the results. The only downside to it is that it seems to have less information in its database than that of google.

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