Monday, October 5, 2009

RJA #7c: Field Research Plan

For the field research part of my sources i'm planning on conducting an interview of someone who works in the genetics field. Theoretically, i'd like to be able to complete this interview and have the information I need for this portion of the research within the next two to 3 weeks, but who knows exactly how long it will take to get the attention and time of such an expert. When I conduct the interview, I plan on asking some general questions like "do you think that genetic research will be a cure-all solution to disease?" or "does the ethical protestation of genetic research prevent timely breakthroughs?". Then i'll lead into more technical questions so that i'll know some specifics on how the genetic modification process works. "how are different genomes isolated?", "how do you know there won't be adverse consequences to this technology later?"

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